Time to Get in Gear.

You Know you Want Some Danish.

You Know you Want Some Danish.

I wonder if they have Entenmann’s in Denmark?  That’s a question for another time.  A glance at the calendar reveals I need to really get going with my plans to put the NCNC together.  I have a reasonable amount of experience putting on golf tournaments, and they take a little time…a little cooperation from the players.  I will be sending an email out today that will be looking for hard commitments.  I know some people have already stated their interest, but please confirm you are coming to the event if you get the email.  If you do not get the email, well then probably no one likes you, and you aren’t invited.  Just kidding, if you want to play drop a note here, or at mggross21@gmail.com

The Details, Revisited:

What is a NCNC:  A NCNC is a “golf” tournament that has no celebrity players and benefits no charities.  If you are a celebrity (even if it is just in your own mind) you are welcome to play, but your presence will not be acknowledged in any way.  If you want to give a charity, break out the checkbook and go crazy, but this isn’t the venue. 

When:  September 12th.  It’s a Saturday.  It’s the Saturday before the NFL season starts.  I’m not going to use the term “perfect lead-in”, but ok…I guess I just did.  There likely will not be a rain date.  Back up plan will be to go somewhere, get rat-faced, and play Golden Tee. 

Where:  I’m thinking we’ll play Turtle Creek this time.  It’s just so damn easy, and basically that’s what we are looking for with this collection of has beens (me) and never weres (everyone else).  I think we’ll play a 2-man Scramble this year, or perhaps a modified scramble known as a “Shamble Damble”.  This was the format we played for the Jean Short Open, and it worked like a charm, and helped with pace of play.  At the first NCNC the other “BK” took about 35 minutes to play the second hole, and held up the whole golf course. 

Miscellany:  Not a real pricey event.  Pay for your own golf, get a free danish.  There is a small prize fund, and the winning team will receive the Charles Coody “I shot 106 at Augusta” Memorial trophy, which is currently in the possession of KJM Jr.  I need to talk to the committee and decide what we’ll do afterwards.  Open to suggestions, but we’ll just be eating and drinking, so it shouldn’t really be of a concern where. 

So, everyone sign up, invite some hack friends, whatever.  It’ll be a good time.

Mark The Calendar–2nd NCNC

Possible Venue.

Possible Venue.

September 12th.  This date has been chosen as the official date of the 2nd Mike Gross Non-Charity, Non-Celebrity Golf Tournament.  As previously mentioned the tournament will be organized by the comprehensive staff at 3 Putt Territory, and will be partially sponsored and inspired by Entenmann’s danish. 


Where:  TBD, public course in the Philly area.  Someplace that this collection of 36* handicaps can play without too much destruction to the course or other golfers. 

When:  Late morning tee times.  Unless we get a huge field that could merit some attempt at a shotgun start.

Format:  Best Net Ball of Partners.  Official handicaps are not required.  Cheaters and Sandbaggers are welcome, but their scores could be evaluated by the official handicap czar of the NCNC, one K. Manning.

Post Golf:  Nothing official here as well.  Last time we had an epic beirut tournament.  Could attempt this again, or maybe do something crazy like try a joint-NCNC-conshy crawl.  This would take the full power of Facebook to pull off. 

Cost:  You’ll have to pay for your round, and there will be a slight additional charge for prize pool and a commemorative item of some kind.  Danish is complimentary. 

Sign Ups:  You can officially sign up here, or send me an email at mggross21@gmail.com if you’d like to play.  I’ll give this post it’s own category so it will be easy to find, and stay up to date with.  When we get an idea of the field, the details will fall into place, and will be shared when they become available.

The Handicap Czar.

The Handicap Czar Gets Ready to Pimp an 'AK